
Landscape context The extensive Celtic field at Balloërveld is situated on the northern extension of a large boalder clay ridge near the village of Rolde. Its position matches the part of the field where the soil has been exposed to relatively little erosion.  In terms of soil composition, both dry and wet podsols dominate the Read more about Balloërveld[…]


Fields and walls hidden between trees and ponds… Read more… Landscape context The Noormansveld in the southern part of the Dwingelderveld, the largest contigous area of heathland in northwestern Europe, is situated on the transition of a lower lying area to a higher coversand ridge. The subsurface mainly consists of coversand which at some places covers boulder clay depositions. The soil Read more about Dwingelderveld[…]


One of the largest celtic fields… Landscape context The extensive Celtic field area on the west side of the municipality of Vaassen is situated on the outskirts of a large sandy outcrop of a push morene shaping the Veluwe. In an elevated landscape and bordered by small water streams, this area provided the necessary conditions for Read more about Vaassen[…]